I have now gotten over my surprise and astonishment at my master’s proposed journey around the world. I am called Passepartout by my master, Mr. Phileas Fogg. After leaving London we went to Dover. Then from Dover we went to on to Paris. Sadly, I did not see much of Paris. In fact “,all that I saw of Paris was between the Northern and the Lyons stations, through the windows of a car, and in a driving rain! How I regret not having seen once more Pere la Chaise and the circus in the Champs Elysees” (Page 724)!
All of
this I told man name Fix. I first met him just after we arrived in Suez on the
Mongolia. I asked him where the English consul was located. He pointed it out
to me. However, he told me that my master would have to go in person to have
his passport visa. I told him that my master would not like to be disturbed. I
went back on to the ship. A little while later, my master and I were heading
for the English consul. We went in and my master had his passport visa. He went
back to the ship and I wondered about on the quay for a while.
Then I was approached by the man I
would later know to be named Fix. I told him all about my master’s proposed
journey around the world in 80 days. I told him also about the gas burner that
I had left on. I told him how much the burning of the gas would cost me.